John F. Kennedy: Life Before Presidency makes that point that John F. Kennedy was “the nation’s first President born in the 20th century.” He was born into a wealthy political family and lived a privileged childhood that consisted of “elite private schools, sailboats, servants, and summer homes.” Kennedy was also the oldest child of 9 children. Throughout his school life, Kennedy was an average student who made average grades, not because he wasn’t smart but because according to, preferred to engage in “sports, girls and practical jokes to coursework.” John F. Kennedy graduated from Choate Boarding School in Connecticut and continued his education at Princeton University for one year before transferring to Harvard. In college Kennedy excelled in the things he enjoyed. After graduation he enlisted in the Navy and after that he worked as a reporter. After working as a reporter he decided to run for a seat in the U.S House of Representatives. It was no surprise that Kennedy was successful in winning the election. Even though being a part of the U.S House of Representatives was a huge accomplishment, Kennedy felt as if he never truly got to make an impact. After three terms Kennedy decided to run for the U.S Senate. Once again, Kennedy was successful. After his success, he met his future wife Jacqueline Bouvier and years later he decided to run for Presidency.


Featured photo source: ABC News

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