Franklin D. Roosevelt: 12 Years in Office

Franklin D. Roosevelt spent 12 years in office. That is longer than any other president has and ever will serve in office. states that “Assuming the Presidency at the depth of the Great Depression, Franklin D. Roosevelt helped the American people regain faith in themselves.” He was known for the statement “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”, which he said during his Inaugural Address. FDR proposed the New Deal which according to, “instituted a series of experimental projects and programs, known collectively as the New Deal, that aimed to restore some measure of dignity and prosperity to many Americans.” Some people didn’t like all of the changes Roosevelt was making with the New Deal. points out that ‘Roosevelt responded with a new program of reform: Social Security, heavier taxes on the wealthy, new controls over banks and public utilities, and an enormous work relief program for the unemployed.” Although sometimes criticized for the New Deal, FDR was still reelected. FDR served as the President of the United States up until his death in 1945.


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